Hi everyone!
Thanks for visiting this BLOG site. This is a space I want to use to share insights from my experiences and also those of others. The underlining concept of all of this content will be about developing an 'attitude of gratitude' in your own lives.
The gratitude mindset is relatively new to me. I did not always have this view on life. I'd like to think I was an exceptionally positive person who lived life to the fullest, but that doesn't necessarily mean I have always lived out this gratitude perspective. For me, something happened that changed the way I viewed life. For me, 'gratitude blossomed from loss.'
You're probably wondering, 'what does that mean?' Well, that is exactly what I am here to tell you. Just over 6 years ago, I lost my youngest brother to cancer. He fought a tough 6-month battle and passed away in February of 2014. This is when I really started to notice how my perspective had shifted. Yes, I am still a positive person, full of energy and life. But, there's more to me now. I have grown in my mindset and the way I perceive situations. I am filled with gratitude.
I have noticed this in the way I live my day-to-day life and how I react to situations. I miss my brother every day, but somehow he makes his way into all of my days. I have a bracelet that I wear in his memory. It's lime green and it says 'no one fights alone' #FFK (Fight For Kevin). Crazy enough, when I was writing this blog, the font of the hashtag automatically changed to green (Hi Kev)! I see him in all things green and beautiful. Any time I take a picture of the sunrise or sunset, there is always a green dot on the screen. He is always around shining his beautiful light on our lives. He has left a footprint on my life, on my entire family, and on the community (not only where we live but to friends across the globe)! He has taught me to appreciate all the moments in my life. Any difficult situation I am faced with, he is always there reminding me that things could be worse. It's so important to take a step back and find gratitude in the good times and the bad. It helps to direct you on a great path forward- a positive one.
One of his favourite quotes states, "Your life could drastically change in a matter of seconds. Appreciate each moment and live life to its fullest." There is nothing more true than this and gratitude is at its core. We are all so blessed to be alive. You never know when it can be taken from you, so why not live life to the fullest. Embrace each moment. Don't worry too much about the past because it's gone. Don't stress about the future. Just focus on being in the present moment and enjoy where you're at.
I hope this is a place that you can read about my story and perhaps share your own. Or maybe you think about your own life and where gratitude stems from in your story. We all are unique, with our own story to share. Gratitude may have an entirely different place in your life, and that is okay. The idea is to think about it, reflect on it, and practice it in your daily life. Have an 'attitude of gratitude' and share it with others!
Thanks for reading,